beyond vision

beyond vision

There is one project that I was working on, but never found the time to tell you about: beyond vision. It is the largest project that I have done so far and it required so much time that I didn’t have any time left to write about it. 🙂 But in December it was finally completed, so now there is time to tell:

18 musicians, 7 huge screens. beyond vision is the fusion of music and film – not just music with visual support and not just film with film music. Together both media tell an abstract story like it would not be possible for each medium alone.

I already set up a small page full with information about this project, so I will not copy it here. If you are interested, just take a look at the following link:

» beyond vision

I am sorry that I did not have the time to mention this project earlier. I guessed that most of you are probably not from Germany so the tour dates would probably not have been very interesting for you. 🙂 And now, at least I have some more material to show you (don’t miss the photos).

I hope I will be able to show you some more background information soon. A documentary is already in the making, so hopefully I can show you some video footage from the performances somewhen…